Other Tournaments
Each year we run a variety of disc golf tournaments, from casual throwback events like The Big Lid to more serious PDGA sanctioned tournaments.
january 1st
Annual New Years Day Disc Golf Tournament
Ask anyone who's been and they will tell you, “There’s nothing like New Years Day at Sedgley.” Each year on New Years Day celebration Friends of Sedgley Woods from near and far come together for a fun-filled mob-golf round of disc golf from the Blue Tees.
The cost for every division is $10, with everyone being automatically entered into an Ace pot.
Cash Payout Divisions:
Pro Open / Pro Masters / Pro Women / O.G. (Must have played Sedgley Woods before 1990)
Disc/Merch Only Divisions:
Male Newbie / Female Newbie – Must be 1st ever NYD Player at Sedgley Woods.
Male AM / Female AM – All others than those described above.
All AM and Newbie Players receive a Disc at Registration.
The round starts at 12pm with a pot-lock style feast and libations before, during, and after the round.
The Puppy Preview
The puppy preview is a long time running doubles event held annually on the second Saturday of March (just one week before the Doggie Doubles at French Creek.)
This is a true doubles team Championship! Unlike traditional best shot format in disc golf doubles, this event is designed to require both players to perform well in order to win.
Best Shot: Standard Doubles where both teammates shoot from the same spot and choose the better of their two throws.
Aggregate Score: Both players play their own disc and finish the hole. The score on the hole is a total of both player's scores.
Alternate Shot w/ choice of drive: Both players drive. The team chooses a drive. The player who did not drive plays from his partners drive and the teammates alternate shots into the basket.
Best Score: Both players on a team play their own disc. They record the better of their two scores.
The Big Lid
Each year in early June, disc golfers young and old put away their discs pull out their big lids for a two-round singles tournaments of the original 18 holes as they were designed. This tournament is always a fun time as many of our friends from PADA come out for the competition. Check the facebook events page for specific details.
July 4th
The Lefty Luau
Every Fourth of July, join us for the annual Lefty Luau. Luau Shirts strongly encouraged.
10am Reg • 11am Tee Off. As this is a tags round, it is FREE to play!
1 Round, 27 Holes:
1-9 RED
10-18 YELLOW
19-27 BLUE
Milk the Goat
The only Tournament to pay out EVERY person! Each year in mid-September we get together for two rounds of 1-18 blue and Sedgley’s only world champion, Paul “The Goat” Fein, pays each competitor a crisp $1 bill for finishing both rounds.
To view upcoming events at Sedgley Woods check out the events schedule on Facebook: